Thanking My First Legacy Act Patron!

Follow me on Twitter: @ArmandTSparks 

The Tsungi Horn murmurs as I dance in celebration to honor and thank my very first Legacy Act patron, Sam -- and generously in the third tier.

Thank you so much for your continued support and contribution to my work as a writer and creative. Personally, you've done so much for me and now professionally can be added to that list. So as the first patron, I must break protocol and format to show a deeper appreciation properly. You are one of the least selfish, most welcoming people I know and more so than any pledge I am grateful to call you a brother and a friend. I hope the playlists, this article and the real estate your music will have here as a larger thank you is payback of the highest order.

Join me on Patreon below and help me thank my patron Sam by playing his latest song.
Become a Patron!
Sam Ptak 
