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If there were ever a moment of letting the game come to you as it pertains to music, Ontario producer Elaquent's fabled EP "Bedtime Stories" would be that moment of skill meeting preparation and opportunity. And within that bubble of play that is the EP, the record "Atrophy" can be pointed to as a career game not soon to be forgotten.
Fuggy drums and well-seasoned percussion sound chopped into a rhythm luxuriating on a hill as if they were samples put through the same producing process. Elaquent's tempo imprinted on the drums feel touched by human timing served with consistent inconsistencies that aid in the beat being spooned to us like comfort food. "Atrophy" resounds with Yuletide piano melodies made up of notes that glint of fireflies in the summer. Washed out synth slurps for a moment sound like they glissando and pullulate new layers of morose emotions. That subtle dichotomy within the textures and tone on "Atrophy" make the record increasingly more homely, impacting like a bottled detour inside an already engaging body of work.
Elaquent draws out a lot of emoting from his production, succeeding in humanizing his sounds. This record has bite and the subtly of you not noticing the mark for a few days. And I believe that's some of the best work you can be listening to today.
Listen to "Atrophy" below.
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