Pink Contrails Inhales What's Up There on "Ether"

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Pink Contrails Ether

My reliance on word of mouth (via social media) to find new music has become the linchpin to my content. Something about the act of sharing what one is listening to with their followers and friends and the transference of that action for you to now share it with who you know is powerful. So after viewing Soft Glas's IG story sharing Dallas-hailing multi-instrumentalist, producer and songwriter by the name Pink Contrails, it's only right I follow the order of things and share his 5-song EP entitled "Ether" with you all.

"Ether" practically replicates its own cover art into music. Pink Contrails's peart instrumentation play to open Midwinter skies. The anchoring guitar riffs track-to-track can go on forever, and in one case they do. Penultimate song "Light Cycles" drive a drippy guitar riff into a seamless transition leading to the still "Descend Into You." The coming acrobatic lick in the chords during the riff following the transition is a chef's kiss towards the strong feelings on "Light Cycles," feelings no doubt stemming from Pink's sleazy melodies and wistful falsetto harmonies. The two songs feel closer to one and in an emotional sense finally reach a contented destination to concluded the drive. And if the final two songs are a place further from singledom, "Touchdown" and "Theodore" are romantic pit stops you can't get to without starting up "Ether's" leading song "Snowglobe" -- a melodic whirlwind in its own right.

Listen to "Ether" in full below.

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