Juto Fine-tunes Love's Arrow w/ "Velvet"

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Re7ax Records artist and Taco signee Juto is bringing a new-fashioned gaze directly to the heart of love songs. Through seven voluble tracks under R&B tutelage and indie-pop styling in his production, "Velvet" places security, trust and love into a femme way of being a partner.

Juto in every fold and wrinkle of "Velvet" embroiders the music with closeness and attention placing  an emphasis on radiating chords and close to the chest riffs work as their own love letters within the music, triumphing early on the outstanding "Homebody." Patient chords loop, sounding perfectly comfortable in the way they go nowhere as Juto does. His floating melody and pinched falsetto make the chorus a deeply melic section of "Homebody." The "Text Talk" artist's vocals and background harmonies swarm the space of song, sounding and reaching out like consuming, breathing for the first time love. Juto's voice is hot, vulnerable and self-assured amid the feelings put behind every lyric. And that encompassing feeling is not relinquished until Juto is ready to unfold that part of the tale down the latter of the project.

Jumping tracks to "Yum", the music gifts a vibe for how Juto feels about himself and views his romantic reunion(s). Clunky drums individualize the personalities through a wonky but tight rhythm. Washy chords in the counter-melody occasionally sync with the senior-amazed melody on a particular strum. The easiness of "Yum" is in its listening and isolated love story that almost tastes yummy the way the song progresses into the guitar solo/bridge section on top of Juto's detailing in the production toward the outro using glam chords that capture the fantasy between the two, a fantasy that sounds sweetly poisonous by Juto's closing song "Games" that is wonderfully brought full circle by the video game continue soundbite that this singer/songwriter opts to let end game.

Needless to say, Juto evolves from "Velvet's" introductory song "Kiwi," basking in his fresh vocals, hopeful vibrato and serenading solo to being caught under a love spell, heart-stuttering to match the drums while his shrilly vocals take shape in the second chorus and bridge. His knobby melody injects "Scarlett" with sounds of classic love ballads. As the penultimate song you catch the feeling that a love impaling him this deeply could be played again, no matter how many times you let the quarters run out.

Wrap up with "Velvet" in full below.

Lead Photo Cred: spotify.com

Video Cred: youtube.com/ Matthew Castellanos
