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Our anticipation for Family Reunion's upcoming debut EP (announced a few days ago) has stockpiled quickly on the unemotional and overemotional sides of the Internet, respectfully. Family's leading single "Different" puts the "How I Feel" artist out there in a ultramodern light she is wholly comfortable with, and wondering why you aren't.
The unboxing of "Different" includes screwy production and ineluctable relationship turmoil as the center of the songwriting. A Sheeny keyboard loop made up of chords evoking the musical themes of Napoleon Dynamite if they broke bad wink a distracting countermelody underneath squawking electric guitar chords, plane snares and an incredibly kick ass synth bass line. In a pleasant move, the song's 80-ish production doesn't preempt a look away from the emotions, instead treating Family Reunion like Jackie's on a carousel and it is up to her to get off, something freshly used in her vocals.
Jackie's passionate vocals and dejected melodies feel like a vengeful direction, something that hasn't been too explored in Reunion's music before. Her grouped harmonies in the chorus hit the ear as vocal unity that convincingly powers through anything resembling a road block.
"Different" is, well, different. And I'll be the first to welcome this development in Jackie's music.
Listen to "Different" below.
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Our anticipation for Family Reunion's upcoming debut EP (announced a few days ago) has stockpiled quickly on the unemotional and overemotional sides of the Internet, respectfully. Family's leading single "Different" puts the "How I Feel" artist out there in a ultramodern light she is wholly comfortable with, and wondering why you aren't.
The unboxing of "Different" includes screwy production and ineluctable relationship turmoil as the center of the songwriting. A Sheeny keyboard loop made up of chords evoking the musical themes of Napoleon Dynamite if they broke bad wink a distracting countermelody underneath squawking electric guitar chords, plane snares and an incredibly kick ass synth bass line. In a pleasant move, the song's 80-ish production doesn't preempt a look away from the emotions, instead treating Family Reunion like Jackie's on a carousel and it is up to her to get off, something freshly used in her vocals.
Jackie's passionate vocals and dejected melodies feel like a vengeful direction, something that hasn't been too explored in Reunion's music before. Her grouped harmonies in the chorus hit the ear as vocal unity that convincingly powers through anything resembling a road block.
"Different" is, well, different. And I'll be the first to welcome this development in Jackie's music.
Listen to "Different" below.
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