Thelonious Martin Oversees The Block & Cools It w/ "Static Vol. 2"

Follow me on Twitter: @ArmandTSparks

Thelonious: "Latin, meaning 'ruler of people'." Chicago beatmaker Thelonious Martin understands and embraces this better than anyone. His rule is predicated on his beats, and with each larger installment (completely in stereo) Martin's act as overseer of the block connects as scholarly and observant.

Martin's latest 45-minute beat tape entitled "Static Vol. 2" dominantly holds an overarching sound. Advisory, transitioning vocal samples push the sound through the streets, moving like a tape from hand-to-hand. His main soul, rock and r&b samples wisely grow in single sequences, simply taking in a desired atmosphere the length of a train ride. Thelonious methodically chops through said samples, often laying waste to their melody though letting the original instrumentation or vocals breathe in spots to reassemble them as this riant rhythm train. And in an underlying touch, he simply leaves skilled reminders of 'look what I can do with this' extraordinarily, and I assume purposefully, akin to J Dilla on "Don't Cry." The "Late Night Programming" artist's drums range from highly combustible to having groovy battles with drum breaks and everything in between. A stronger infusion from futuristic synthesizer shots feels like this shining pulpit of hope and redemption, most prominent to me at the 35-minute mark.   

Thelo's productions sounds resonate as the most selective they have ever been. There is a mythology to the construction of "Static Vol. 2" and the story ultimately told. The production ends up in a place of legend from the world it has built that could only happen word-to-mouth. So I am letting you all know now, you're gonna want to run this for your next few mornings.

Listen to Static Vol. 2 below.

Lead Photo Cred: @Jacob_Rochester (Via Twitter)

