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Artists Blake Saint David, Family Reunion and Victor! are the new PowerPuffs on Blake's latest song Don't Waste My Time, staying true to form and bringing the extra ingredient chemical X to the sugar, spice and everything nice.
Don't Waste My Time is a ripe bite into a juicy peach of volume 80's rhythms. Produced by Victor!, DWMT sulks in the happiest of settings. Mousey chords get gabby underneath the main rhythm of gymnasium pop drums and a sylvan rhythm guitar riff. The production gives an otherwise bleak day that moment of sun and invites you over to the sunny spot. And right on time is Family and Blake.
Family Reunion's weary chorus drapes carousel melodies all over the track. Her vocals convincingly sound like a hot-and-cold cycle that she has finally broken and that shines through in the saintly backing harmonies and vocals. The clear path Family Reunion makes for Blake Saint David is the easiest pass of vocals I've heard in a while.
David's vocals erupt on the track like a bath bomb of hearts for a circumferential lover. Drowsily begging melodies and a hypothetical outlook on his lyrics leave Don't Waste My Time with just the right amount of consideration for the people being courted by these PowerPuffs. Don't Waste My Time is a cut you mindlessly stan, because I've come to a realization: If a song has time in the title and Victor! is involved, it will go off.
Listen to Don't Waste My Time below.
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Artists Blake Saint David, Family Reunion and Victor! are the new PowerPuffs on Blake's latest song Don't Waste My Time, staying true to form and bringing the extra ingredient chemical X to the sugar, spice and everything nice.
Don't Waste My Time is a ripe bite into a juicy peach of volume 80's rhythms. Produced by Victor!, DWMT sulks in the happiest of settings. Mousey chords get gabby underneath the main rhythm of gymnasium pop drums and a sylvan rhythm guitar riff. The production gives an otherwise bleak day that moment of sun and invites you over to the sunny spot. And right on time is Family and Blake.
Family Reunion's weary chorus drapes carousel melodies all over the track. Her vocals convincingly sound like a hot-and-cold cycle that she has finally broken and that shines through in the saintly backing harmonies and vocals. The clear path Family Reunion makes for Blake Saint David is the easiest pass of vocals I've heard in a while.
David's vocals erupt on the track like a bath bomb of hearts for a circumferential lover. Drowsily begging melodies and a hypothetical outlook on his lyrics leave Don't Waste My Time with just the right amount of consideration for the people being courted by these PowerPuffs. Don't Waste My Time is a cut you mindlessly stan, because I've come to a realization: If a song has time in the title and Victor! is involved, it will go off.
Listen to Don't Waste My Time below.
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