Make Family Reunion's "Vacation" Your Next Destination

Follow me on Twitter: @ArmandTSparks

We are invited to a family reunion and lucky for us we caught them right before they went on vacation.

Artist Family Reunion (not a band, it's just her) dropped the most comfortable sounds you can find on the internet today entitled Vacation. The Tombo-produced tune infuses the safeness of your room while Family's puffy vocals globe-trot wherever you want to go in your mind.

Tombo's delightfully alternative 80's rock-type production is a strong force that makes you get up and dance. His stingy, electronic drums are an inexplicably addictive rhythm. The merrily jumping rhythm working with sweet guitar chord pinches, a feckless chord progression and a pouting bassline leaps all over the song, giving it a sugar-coated landing and a caution to the wind attitude. And Family Reunion's voice supplies us with the best part about 80's vocals.

Reunion's antsy tone blasts through in her vibrato to take her to the higher notes she hits, mimicking how she's ascending to her destination. That clingy melody fools the ear and wants to be close to people and fun things, but her counter-melody background harmonizing and distancing lyrics shut her off, taking that vacation. Her voice sounds largely poppy and bright like the 80's but can still get gentle and worrisome.

In short, I love Vacation. The music feels great and sounds better. A vacation through music is always a viable option. And this should be the destination.

Listen to Vacation below.

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