The WHOevers' Je$$e Re-Gifts His "Merry X-Mas"

Follow me on Twitter: @ArmandTSparks

The space for Christmas songs/albums isn't one to be solely occupied by Mariah Carey. The WHOevers' very own, Je$$e, is embracing the holidays and taking cues vocally from the likes of John Legend on his re-gifted cut, Merry X-Mas.

Je$$e's Merry X-Mas flurries fireplace piano chords/keys down onto the spirits of the song. The tempo is one of a lounge piano, giving maximum comfort, and the notes are played with such ardor that the sound convincingly duets with Je$$e's festive vocals. His puckering falsetto reaches like the smallest member of the family placing the topper on the Christmas Tree. J's lyrics of a descriptive Christmas reads like a holiday movie, and the visualization is splendid as a result of its irreplaceable feeling of family.

I have never heard Je$$e's vocals carry such range in one song setting. Even his vibrato to harmonizing vocal transitions hit with emotion and just sound damn good. And if that wasn't enough, he throws in a reference to Angels With Filthy Souls from the movie Home Alone.

It's a whole year later, and I'd say we've got another quintessential holiday song. So it's time to gift yourself and revel in a listen.

Give Ears to Merry X-Mas below.

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