Song of the Week: Quiet Luke - "I Wanna Go"

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Trust me, you don't want to miss the wonderful Quiet Luke jamboree I Wanna Go. Without skipping a beat, the New York artist inflates his bouncy castle of instrumentation and vernal vocals to land as an auditory destination competing with the likes of the happiest place on Earth.

Quiet's I Wanna Go evokes him pulling a Hey Ya!, playing every instrument in question. I see Luke manning the bang up drums (courtesy of Matthew Leichenger), pounding in the playful jump of the beat. Lightly neck groovin' behind a pokey textured bassline (by Robert Lee) and fingers burning on guitar chords (by Quiet Luke) dynamized by playing high on the fret and what sounds like a whammy bar handshake. I Wanna Go's instrumentation is full-mouthed and oddly delicately matched with vocals that rush in similar feeling when I'm listening to Rivers Cuomo's vocals.

Quiet Luke's singing, glockenspiel sounds and synth hold an inescapable melody supporting the buoyant tone he carries in his voice for the entire song. He drifts in and out of a piercing falsetto and a bottom-lipped, eked delivery to fluctuate the levels of excitement in the song. And I love it. I love how he loses control of his vocals in the final chorus, increasingly becoming distorted as he mixes in more harmonizing adlibs.

Needless to say, I wanna Go is a fantastic song. And I, as I'm sure you all will be, am eager to listen to it week-to-week.

Listen to I Wanna Go below.

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