Watch Milky Wayv's Inaugural Wavy Docs: Muwosi

Follow me on Twitter: @ArmandTSparks

The very moment Milky Wayv informed me they would begin a series called Wavy Docs profiling their talented roster, showing off their cover art that brings to mind Gnarls Barkley's The Odd Couple, I was all in.

And then some.

Since then I've wondered when the first doc would come and it has arrived, chronicling the Oklahoma born, Cincinnati raised Muwosi. The M4RZ-filmed, Bobby Earth edited doc cuts footage of various performances and music samples while Muwosi gives a run down of who she is and her musical style. And if you're anything like me, a fiend for getting behind the curtain of the music and the artist out of public view, these oh-so wavy docs are for you. For instance, there's this scene of Muwosi doing an impromptu ditty that sounds beyond lovely. The chords are wintry, albeit a little saloon noted, and to boot they match her outfit and the colors of the room. The doc steadily churns organic moments like this from beginning to end.

Muwosi in the inaugural Wavy Docs is an awesome look. I advise all Milky Wayv fans to give it a serious watch.

Check out Wavy Docs: Muwosi below.

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