Listen to Peyton's Sonic Elixir - "Poison Baby"

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If you don't know how talented Milky Wayv's Peyton is you better ask somebody. Preferably Kyle if you don't believe me. But Kyle cosign or not, the music will convince you -- the latest song Poison Baby being prime example.

The Peyton and Bobby Earth-produced song does all it can to work its way into your body and mind. Peyton's bomb, pheromone breathing vocals take on a Poison Ivy attitude that almost feels like an overwhelming angst for men and women alike, particularly in the chorus. There is something presently barefoot about her melodies, in turn making the lust for her baby so loud. The vocals inject a little provocative nature into the production.

The shared blanket that is the production fits right into the wavy wheelhouse expected from the collective. Tin, 808 endoskeleton drums/percussion plop a neck mimic rhythm into the music. Wonky chords with inviting reverb pile on to sound like an attractive flytrap, something of the Venus nature.

Poison Baby caught me just as Peyton intended it to. And this song is gonna get y'all, too. A talented roster can only be off mass radar for so long.

Listen to Poison Baby below.

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