Xavier Omär - "Grown Woman" (Prod. by Thelonious Martin) Should be Your Daily Listen

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In relatively drought stricken weeks for good music, I grow transparently thankful for artists like Xavier Omär when they release songs like Grown Woman.

The Thelonious Martin-produced song is a plain of appreciation for a woman's magic. The awe-appreciation in the production and the vocal performance is a flashing vibe I couldn't ignore. Thelonious Martin's beat is everything going right in a relationship manifested by sounds. The kick off of what I'm sure is an integrated vocal and drum sample (from a song I can't quite place as of yet) reminds me a bit of the opening of Travis Scott's Sloppy Toppy. The vocals are high in pitch and are flushed with melody. There's these clamy drums that have a certain jive to them. I like the use of it. The music gave me an antiquated 70's club groove. Then that beat drops on command.

Thelonious Martin's production smoothly rolls into complimentary closed hi-hats taking the jive rhythm from before. Grown Woman's more guitar-sounding bassline reminds me of the bassline in Zhané's Sending My Love, rocking with similar heartbeat tempos. When listening to it I felt that there was this added pump of tenderness and love.

Whether following that bassline as a direct sample was intended or coincidental, it adds extra love in the song. The bass in my musical heart of hearts is an ode to a great Zhané song if you're savvy enough to know. And not to mention Thelonious Martin's drums, particularity his very clicky kick, steps in the name of love on this track. There's a lavender feel to the drums. I felt comfortable when they hit. And before you know it, the music in its collective effectiveness creates a bed Xavier Omär is ready to invite his lady to.

Xavier's vocals in my opinion are caring and engaging. When I listen to him sing on this track I feel the one on one connection he's feeding his enthralled energy into. His lyrics paint the picture of this beauty right down to her "skirt the color of salmon." Xavier Omär big-ups his lady's independence and longs for her by his side. During the verses, his voice sounds wispy. I heard it like he can't keep up with how fantastic this woman is. Then that chorus comes in and the passion in his voice runs deep. The admiration gets put on his sleeve and I appreciate it.

I love hearing women sung about in this light. I love the music. And I dig how Xavier Omär's love song made me feel. Grown Woman plays like a love voicemail I've become privy to. I enjoyed it. And I recommend y'all give it a listen. Be prepared to see more of Xavier Omär's music shared on this blog in the future.

Listen to Grown Woman below.

Lead Photo Cred: soundcloud.com
