Audio Push's "Hot 97" Freestyle is One of the Best Off Tops Spit

Follow me on Twitter: @ArmandTSparks

I don't take my music lightly. I become very opinionated over the music I like, love, and live by, across all genres. I'll defend my music and my artists 'till the end, sometimes in a very dogmatic way.

I'm still upset at Madonna spoiling my experience watching the Gorillaz perform Feel Good Inc. w/ De La Soul at the 2006 Grammy Awards. That fleeting moment of just Feel Good Inc. was iconic in music. There's levels to this music thing. I know the weight of a Gorillaz x De La stage collab. And it was killed by Madonna, a music icon who's music I don't like. I hate Lil Yachty's music. I personally believe Adam Levine on Heard 'Em Say is the greatest collab in Kanye West's discography. The emotional layers Adam puts on the song and the vulnerability in his voice is stretched beyond beautiful. 

Random tastes of unpopular opinions like that, combined with my overall palate for music is why hip hop is for me. That's where my mentality as a fan can breath. I respect and still look for that competition in the atmosphere. These are reason I love Kendrick, Cole, Mac MillerLogic, Joey, Mick, etc. They remain in a constant hunger, they've got substance to their music, versatility to their styles and are students to the game like myself. Audio Push easily falls into that space.

Audio Push's Hot 97 freestyle is off top bars. Oktane and Price lyrically kick all competitors while saying something at the same time. The natural flow these two pick up on any beat is thoroughbred MC sh*t. The exposing of trash rappers for not hopping on Primo beats, old school beats, not freestyling at all (or spitting a written) I loved. I lost it when they severely volleyed bars. When Oktane kicked "you cannot be top 5 you don't write your own raps, you cannot say that you live unless you get your own claps, you cannot say that you first if you don't run your own laps" and Price ballistically picked it up snapping with "you can't say you the truth and you don't spit your own facts." That set it off. Audio Push's bar game is too nice. This is easily one of the best freestyles spit by this generation's artists on Hot 97. Y'all gotta check it out if you haven't. I assure you, you will become a fan in no time flat.

Watch Audio Push's freestyle below.
