theMIND is truly molding a catalog of true art. He's beginning to stretch the creative length of his music to create full blown child-like wonder filled stories and I love it. theMIND's first Summer Camp release, Mercury Rising, takes this exact idea and expands upon it with claymation visuals (created by KidSuper) that are absolutely gorgeous.
These visuals take on their own little universe, and through the exploratory sound of the music, theMIND takes us on a mini adventure starring the girl with the wagon and the boy with the bike. theMINDwilder sounds like he's singing through space, hoping that by inflecting so much love and wishful dreaming in his verse that it will lead their searches for one another in the right direction through the universe to meet. The visuals bring this to life beautifully. I felt like I was drifting through space in complete bliss right along with them. I believe it gives the video a soft playfulness to it that reminds me of a show on HBO Family, specifically Happily Ever After (although we're talking about cartoons here). But like a lot of those cartoons, the characters are black and they're fun and different, they ooze creativity while displaying a new artistic twist on something familiar. These claymation visuals do this and it's awesome. Mercury Rising has tons of personality. It's amazing music with amazing visuals to boot. The song itself is a story and the visuals are an accurate illustration that captures a certain sweetness about love. Mercury Rising's visuals are something that we don't see anymore, I think it would have excelled back in MTV's heyday. This is one video that is an absolute must see. I guarantee you will have fun with it in one way or another.
Watch the Mercury Rising visuals below.
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