ZenSupremacy's "Mo Vibez - Rituals" is an Intro to Battle


I now know what it's like to be locked in battle through music -- facing an infinite number of enemies while I'm engaging in some Afro Samurai-level slaughtering against my opponents thanks to ZenSupremacy's beyond killer beat Mo Vibez - Rituals.

Mo Vibez - Rituals is right in the psychotic territory. This joint is a high-speed battle of natural born killers with an unpredictable outcome. The high energy strings in this (that played off ear sounds like The Pipa) bring so much worry to the song and raise the stakes. The powerful horn blows with so much force and echo that it hits the ear like a call to action. ZenSupremacy's dark and blaring drums strike with zero constraint, elevating the fun I had with this beat. I loved how the sound completely loses control, especially toward the end with those disturbed washboard-like sounds that I heard as a amalgamation of a synth and a bark. It was awesome and some of the craziest noises I've ever heard in a beat. The sound sharply pierced my ears, it was a sound I imagined Franken Stein from Soul Eater was hearing when being driven to madness by Medusa and exacerbated by Asura. It had dark aura all around it and I liked it a lot. This beat is sweet and something different. I'll definitely be checking out any future tracks. So I hope you all will enjoy and do the same.

Listen to Mo Vibez - Rituals & watch Afro's first massacre below.

Lead Photo Cred: soundcloud.com

Video Cred: youtube.com
