Song of the Week: "Heaven Only Knows" By Towkio, Chance The Rapper, Lido, Eryn Allen Kane

I'm beyond excited to have Towkio's Heaven Only Knows as my Song of the Week. I couldn't think of a more powerful song I love that features some of the dopest artists and producers today, like Lido, Eryn Allen Kane and of course my guy Chance The Rapper, who will probably be one of the greatest artists when it's all said and done.

Before I get too into it, Towkio's Heaven Only Knows is probably my greatest pick so far for this honor. This song is my coffee and doughnut on a Sunday morning as I watch the sunrise. HOK is that refreshing, that relaxing and that beautiful. Heaven Only Knows, in my opinion inspires and motivates, ushering in church-like hope and faith to lives like no other song I've heard until Kanye and Chance's Ultralight Beam. This song taps into that section of my brain, that part of my soul that is connected to spirituality and religion because of my vast human nature of curiosity for the questions with no definitive answers, of course tacking on the desire to dance for good measure. Heaven Only Knows is still more than that. This song sounds like it's beyond a song. I can't just listen to it as stand alone music, I always imagine this track as being a part of a musical on Hamilton-like levels. Maybe it's because of the strength of Eryn Allen's vocals, or the keys that sound theatrical as they create an atmosphere of complete zen. Maybe it's the claps that hype me up, or the drums that are unstoppable super charged ones like the drums in the Power Puff Girls intro. All I know is this song is like a musical that inspires with a message that pushes me in every direction to be the greatest human and creator I possibly can be. Towkio's Heaven Only Knows is that feeling you get seeing a loved one smile. Heaven Only Knows is having direct deposit. Heaven Only Knows is that fire you get inside when you want to buy your mom a house one day. Towkio's gorgeous song with a little help from his friends is all things happy, all things pushing you to do better. This song is grandiose to me. And it's about time you all hear it.

Listen to Heaven Only Knows below.

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