I remember when I first found out about Rockie Fresh. Almost two years ago I went to go see Kyle in concert not knowing that G-Eazy was the headliner. Rockie and Kyle were the openers for him and ever since then I've been hooked on Rockie Fresh's music."Hesitate" is my all-time favorite song from him, but this new track he dropped off last night entitled "Too Long" is a close second.
"Too Long" is a dope ballad of Rockie recalling a few events that's lead him to where he is now and where he's been. I thought his first verse offered a lot of hope and grind through his stories. Rockie Fresh's flow sounds as if he's speaking to someone or reading off a letter. There's this cool natural, yet unnatural sound to it, almost like what he's saying has been premeditated for a ridiculous amount of time, so he's articulating his path of success close to how he wants to convey it in his mind. But he's not mirroring it exactly how he wants to. It's actually a dope sound that gets amplified by the beats soft distant drums, snaps, deep muffled synths and hints of those weird eerie technologic ghost-like sounds (similar to the ones in the beat for Ab-Soul's "Real Thinkers"). It takes us back to these moments of his past that Rockie Fresh is trying to paint, which I think he succeeds at. There's also an interesting love story within "Too Long" that is brought to life with the hook, Fresh's second and third verses. The hook made me think of a woman and my personal love connection with her even though the connection and the woman don't really exist. The song is able to manifest the powers of love enough so that it pulls one right into that love state of mind and grabs at the imagination. It was definitely the high point of the song for me and makes "Too Long" an even stronger output from Rockie Fresh. With this track and "Tell Me", Rockie season is officially among us and I know he's cooking up something great. I can't wait to find out what it is.
Listen to "Too Long" below.
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