Yasiin Bey Sends Nothing but Hope, Love & Positivity When Addressing Paris in His New Track "NO Colonial Fiction"
Leave it to Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) to drop a song entitled "NO Colonial Fiction" addressing the horrific Paris attacks that took place last night and not shy away from a few of the issues he sees happening to the black youth and world overall.
The great Brooklyn MC has been a prominent political voice for some time now, so for Yasiin to tackle a delicate topic such as this is not surprising in the slightest. Within his verse he faces what's been going on, sharing his view of things while offering up solutions as to what can be done - starting with the youth. His verse then drifts into sending nothing but love to the family of Tamir Rice and peace to the Zulu Nation. The beat of this track has a real uplifting sound to me, the drums are happy and quickly paced, and the hook offers hope. Mos is definitely shining some light inside the darkest of tunnels in the best way he knows how. "No Colonial Fiction" is a hopeful track that wants to spread nothing but love and positivity in a time when it is needed most. I pick up on what he's puttin' down and I think it's great. I'm definitely sending nothing but love to Paris, to Tamir Rice's family, and to everyone everywhere who needs some love and positivity. It's what the world needs now.
Check out "NO Colonial Fiction" below.
Lead Photo Cred: africanessence.wordpress.com
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