Jinsang Constructs A New Humanity on "Transitions"

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Traveling round-trip across the universe, one must be accompanied by at least one album, song, soundtrack or score befitting the everlong journey. And though the Foo Fighters classic would be a marvelous pick, California musical artist Jinsang's handshake with the sounds of humanity -- otherwise known as the album of beats entitled "Transitions" --  would befit the exact mood of ascendancy when entering back into Earth's atmosphere.

Jinsang's 14-track "Transitions" never gets too up or down, opting to remain even-keeled. The assortment of instrumentation heard, like on the piano, lathers the specific composition or arrangement that floats in like sea foam, filling up a steaming melody of mellow chords and riffs that translate into an extended exhale once the sounds gets to you. The rich range of drums start anywhere from being chopped and threaded through sparkly soul samples like on "climbing" and "yearn" to poetry groovy breakdown-type drums or going fully electronic. His enriching additions fortify track-to-track with seasoned strings (specifically the double bass appearing riff on "patience") or horn sections that nourish a sense of discovery within the terrestrial feel of the music.

The grassy instrumentals on "Transitions" offers a new world of getting to relearn the textures of nature, architecture and a few of a human's most soothing emotions. In other words, Jinsang takes the gathered knowledge from the aforementioned exploration to help us transition into something gentler for our wellbeing.

Listen to "Transitions" in full below.

Lead Photo Cred: soundcloud.com/Revenxnt
