I know Kid Cudi isn't a rapper, nor is he strictly tied to just hip-hop. But I love him and hip-hop loves him and great music is just great music.
Cudder dropped off two new tracks and one of the two songs entitled "Wedding Tux" is so amazing. The track is completely live instrumentation of an acoustic guitar, bringing this soft punk rock feel to things. I can hear the slides between chords which gives "Wedding Tux" this real-time sound. Accompanying that with Cudi's heart on his sleeve lyrics is nothing short of exquisite. Those elements, along with the genre jump, bring these emotions to life that couldn't have been done to this magnitude if Cudi rapped what he's saying. You can metaphorically see Kid Cudi's artistry and connection with us fans sky rocket on this track. I hear the evolution of his sound while he stays true to who he is at his core. "Wedding Tux" is still Kid Cudi being unapologetically him as he speaks for those with no voice (the depressed, lonely, afraid, suicidal, etc.), just on a more grandiose scale. "Wedding Tux" is beautiful music and gives me more insight on what Cudder's forthcoming album "Speedin' Bullet To Heaven" is going to be like - a roller-coaster of genres and emotions. I can't wait.
Check out "Wedding Tux" below.
Lead Photo Cred: genius.com
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